Summer has flown by, and although we may not like to think about it, the colder months are on the way. Paving season only goes through the fall, before the temperatures really start to drop. So, now is the time to get any maintenance done that your parking lot needs before winter. Here are some common fall asphalt maintenance services to consider: 


Done in the late spring and the fall, a sealcoat acts as a protective layer for your asphalt. This service is done when temperatures are mild and mostly consistent, as this makes the best environment for proper curing. It can help protect against damage from the freeze-thaw cycle, saving you from large repairs come spring. 

Crack Seal & Patching 

If your pavement has cracks or potholes now, those will only grow and worsen throughout the late winter and early spring. By taking care of these issues now, you’re saving money down the road—you may need an overlay or more extensive repairs if left alone. Crack seal and patching services are quick and cause minimal disruption, unlike a bigger repair service. 

Laser Profiling 

Having to dodge puddles in your parking lot after it rains? This problem is known as ponding, and it’s not supposed to happen. When there’s standing water on the pavement, that means there isn’t proper drainage, so the water doesn’t have anywhere to go. It then ends up soaking into the asphalt, which weakens the layers beneath the surface. During the freeze-thaw cycle in the spring, the repetition of water freezing and melting causes cracks to grow, eventually turning into potholes. Using laser profiling, we find the best drainage point so that ponding won’t happen. 


Fall maintenance is all about preparing your asphalt for winter and preventing damages from the season. It’s not long until our off-season, so if you’re considering getting any repairs done, contact us as soon as possible. We’re happy to come assess your parking lot and recommend the appropriate service. Metro Paving has proudly been serving the Twin Cities since 1988.