Whether you like winter or not, it’s on its way! Certain aspects of winter can be harsh on your pavement, like snowplows and the freeze-thaw effect. While we don’t know if we’re in for a tough winter or not, you should still prep your pavement before fall is over. We’ve put together a list of work that should be done on your pavement before winter hits!

  1. Fall is actually the best time to sealcoat due to the moderate temperatures. A sealcoat is a protective layer that helps prevent the intrusion of water and ice—if that liquid seeps into the asphalt, it will cause cracking, and those cracks will expand when the snow starts to melt.
  2. Laser profiling. Another way to prevent water from seeping into your pavement is by having proper drainage. Our laser profiling service allows us to determine the best drainage point for your parking lot. Once the snow melts in spring, you don’t want to be dealing with huge puddles, and neither will your customers!
  3. Whether you have large cracks or potholes, cracked pavement needs to be patched before the ice and snow arrives. Due to the freeze-thaw effect, those small cracks will be much larger come spring. Getting small repairs done now will save you money later on, too!
  4. If the pre-existing asphalt allows for it, overlay is a cost-effective paving solution. This service is done when large areas of the asphalt are in need of repair—in the aftermath of the freeze-thaw effect, that damaged area will become much bigger, and you may be looking at a complete replacement come spring.
  5. Of course, with a big job late in the season, weather is a concern. But, we haven’t let the cold stop us before! In December of 2019, we were brought on for a total reconstruction of a large parking lot, as the ground was not yet frozen. We removed and replaced the asphalt and we had no problem finishing the project thanks to our heavy-duty equipment!

When you have any of Metro Paving’s services done, you have the opportunity to sign up for our maintenance program. Each spring, one of our experts will inspect your pavement and let you know what, if any, maintenance is needed.

If your parking lot is in rough shape, don’t wait until spring to get it fixed. Metro Paving will get your pavement prepped for winter!