Does anyone really care if your parking lot isn’t in good shape? The answer is YES. Your parking lot is one of the first things a customer notices about your business and can give off a bad impression if it’s in poor condition. If the outside of your business isn’t maintained, will the inside be the same? While the inside of your building may look great, an uninviting parking lot can be enough to turn a customer away. Instead, here are the benefits of repaving your lot and increasing curb appeal:

  • The customer won’t have to drive around potholes. If a customer’s car is damaged in your parking lot due to your negligence to patch a pothole, they certainly won’t be happy. But if your lot is smooth and free of cracks, it shows you care about appearance and convenience.
  • Parking is easier. Especially in the winter when it’s difficult to see the lines, it’s much harder when those lines are faint in the first place. New, fresh lines make it easy to park and won’t result in a customer accidentally scratching another vehicle due to misjudgment about the size of the open spot.
  • It makes your business look inviting. For example, if a customer is deciding which restaurant to eat at, they may think: Well, I don’t want to have to deal with parking in that awful parking lot. Now, you’ve lost business because of your unmaintained lot. On the other hand, a smooth and freshly paved lot will draw customers in.
  • It makes your business look professional. If the exterior of your business looks rough, it implies that your services might not be as good. Of course, this is unlikely true, but to customers, a poor exterior is off-putting and can make them doubt the credibility of your business. But if your parking lot is appealing and free of damages, your business will look more trusting and legitimate.

A smooth, new parking lot is beneficial to you and your customers, so don’t hesitate to call Metro Paving. Cold weather is approaching, but there’s still time to get on the schedule this fall! Give us a call or request a quote online.