Are you ready for winter? It will be here before we know it. One item to add to your “Before Winter To-Do List” is sealcoating your parking lot.

Sealcoating your parking lot is essential before winter, especially in Minnesota where the winters are long and mother nature can’t make up her mind when it comes to deciding when spring will finally come. All of that freezing and thawing can be harmful to pavement, especially if there are already cracks in it. When water freezes it expands; the water that seeps into existing cracks causes it to expand, making the cracks larger to the point where a simple fix is no longer an option.

The freeze-thaw effect isn’t your parking lots only winter enemy. Snowplows and ice melting salt can damage your asphalt. Plows are great for picking up snow, but they also pick up rocks and other debris in your parking lot that scratch up the top layers of your asphalt, weakening it and making it more susceptible to further damage. The same is true with salt; the chemicals in it have a negative effect when exposed to asphalt and can speed up the deterioration process.

Sealcoating your parking lot before snow comes is a great way to prevent winter damage. It fills in cracks and helps strengthen the top coats of your asphalt so it stands up to whatever winter brings. Our paving experts are ready to help you get ready for winter. Call Metro Paving, today!