There’s a lot of factors that contribution to your pavement’s deterioration: frequency of use, the weight of vehicles, the weather, and more.

For Minnesota, some of the biggest pavement damage occurs because of the freeze-thaw effect. Freeze-thaw refers to how the temperatures fluctuate between above and below freezing, which means that anything exposed to the elements will then freeze and thaw as the temps move around the freezing point (around 32F). In the cold, asphalt hardens and becomes more brittle because it doesn’t have quite as much yield. In the hot, asphalt becomes flexible and pliable, which helps prevent cracks. Going between those two states, especially if there’s a decent temperature change in a short amount of time, can cause damage to the asphalt’s state over time.

Plus, if there’s water trapped below the asphalt, which can happen with even one small crack in the pavement, that liquid will freeze and expand with the temperature. Thus, the water starts to damage the pavement from the base and subgrade layers and will often affect the weaker points more like an already existing crack. That small damage starts to grow larger, which is also why the Twin Cities’ spring has also been nicknamed pothole season.

What can you do for your pavement? When you see cracks, keep an eye on them. Typically, it’s recommended to get cracks or potholes filled in every 2-3 years depending on the damage. Filling in that smaller damage will help extend the life of your pavement and save you money long-term.

Most importantly, you should have an expert take care of your paving needs. They should test the soil to make sure it’s adequate as a base, offer a customizable asphalt mixture for pavement that take a lot of weight and needs a harder finish, and finish the asphalt paving job with sealcoating that helps protect the asphalt from issues like the freeze-thaw. Metro Paving Inc serves the Twin Cities area and can handle the complete process of repaving your asphalt, patching or using an overlay for small damage, and using a special laser profile technique to ensure your pavement’s water drainage is working.