Potholes, potholes, potholes. It’s a big topic this season after the extreme fluctuating temps from this winter, and a lot of vehicles are suffering the consequences. If someone runs over enough potholes or hit one at the wrong angle, their tires could be at risk. No business, apartment complex, or HOA wants to be the cause of car damage, so it’s always good practice to keep your pavement well-maintained. Plus, it’s good for curb appeal. Depending on the state of the asphalt, it doesn’t always need a full replacement; in some cases, it can be handled with a different service.

After being evaluated by a paving expert, the pavement’s state will determine the kind of job needed. It could need a complete remove and replace job, or maybe the damage can be covered by a patching or overlay job. In general, if the foundation remains strong, a patching job is used for areas with smaller damage, and larger areas require an overlay. If a pothole has been contained to one area, patching is a great soluiton. If the pothole has grown or lays next to other damage, such as the photo above, then an overlay will do the job. Luckily, they’re both more budget-friendly than a complete replacement.

If the freeze-thaw effect has done enough damage to compromise the foundation, it could still be eligible for a more affordable replacement process: reclaim and repave. Whenever possible, Metro Paving uses this method to save our clients money and use an environmentally-sound option by reusing the old asphalt for the new.

Now is the time to call for an estimate and to get on our summer schedule.