Selecting the right paving contractor for your project is a critical decision with lasting implications. As we explored in Part 1 of this series, several factors like experience, reputation, insurance, licenses, and the quality of equipment and crew come into play. In this second part, we will delve into other essential considerations: understanding the services and contract details, and evaluating cost and payment terms. 

Services and Contract Details 

When choosing a paving contractor, it’s essential to get a comprehensive and clear contract outlining the services to be provided. This contract should detail the scope of the project, the materials to be used, the timeline, and the total cost.  

Ensure that all your expectations and the contractor’s obligations are outlined in the contract. For example, if the contractor is responsible for site preparation or cleanup after the project, these details should be explicitly stated in the contract.  

Be sure to read the contract carefully and understand all the terms before signing. If there are any terms or conditions that you don’t understand, ask the contractor to explain them. Remember, a contract is a legally binding agreement, and it’s important to ensure that you’re comfortable with every aspect of it.  

Don’t be afraid to negotiate contract terms. If there’s something you’re not comfortable with, discuss it with the contractor. They should be willing to adjust the terms to ensure you’re completely satisfied before the project starts. 

Cost and Payment Terms 

Cost is a major consideration in any project. While it’s tempting to choose the cheapest contractor, remember that you often get what you pay for. A significantly cheaper bid may mean the contractor is cutting corners, using inferior materials, or may lack experience.  

Instead of focusing solely on cost, consider the value for money the contractor offers. Look at the quality of their past work, the materials they use, their level of professionalism, and their ability to complete the project on time and within budget. 

Understanding the payment terms is equally important. Most contractors will require a deposit, with the balance payable upon completion of the project. Be wary of contractors who demand full payment upfront. Also, consider how the payment can be made. Does the contractor accept credit cards, or must the payment be made in cash or check?  

Finally, ask about the contractor’s policy on changes and cost overruns. Will any changes to the project plan result in additional costs? If so, how are these costs calculated and communicated? 


Choosing the right paving contractor can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By focusing on key factors such as services and contract details, cost, and payment terms, you can make an informed decision that leads to a successful project.  

In addition to these factors, remember the points we discussed in Part 1 of this series – experience, reputation, insurance, licenses, and quality of equipment and crew. These considerations will guide you in selecting a contractor who will not only meet your expectations but exceed them. 

Your paving project is a significant investment in your property. Take the time to choose the right contractor and pave the way for a successful, high-quality project that you’ll be proud of for years to come.