Around this time each year, many businesses begin planning for next year’s budget. Often times, the parking lot can get overlooked when considering expenses. In the majority of cases, you won’t have to find a way to budget for a complete reconstruction. We have a few lower-cost options to get your parking lot back in good shape!

If your lot isn’t looking too bad, and just needs a few holes or cracks filled, then patching is the solution. As long as the underlying base is structurally sound, surface patching or mill patching are great low-cost options that also prevent bigger problems later on.

One cause of potholes or select areas of your pavement cracking is due to ponding. Notice standing water or ice after snow has melted? Your lot most likely lacks proper drainage. Our laser profiling service can find the best drainage point, and this will prevent those cracks and potholes.

Another cost-effective repair option is asphalt overlay. Patching won’t do the trick when large areas of the asphalt have deteriorated. The overlay process involves repairing the affected areas first, essentially patching them, and then a new layer of asphalt over it to create a new and stable service.

Our reclaim & repave service is used when your pavement is too deteriorated for an asphalt overlay. But, it’s still cheaper than removing and replacing. First, we use a pulverizing machine to grind up the damaged payment, and then create a new foundation with a mix of pulverized material and an existing base.

Even if your parking lot doesn’t appear to be damaged, preventative maintenance can never hurt! Sealcoating is important to protect the asphalt against UV rays, so it’s a good service to get done in the spring.

Before finalizing your budget, give us a call for a free estimate. If your budget allows, and you need a brand-new lot, we’ll get you on the schedule for the removal and replace service.

And, if the budget only allows for patching this year, plan ahead for more intensive services in the future. It’s always good to be thinking ahead when it comes to pavement projects!

Metro Paving has been serving businesses around the Twin Cities for over 20 years. Ready for an estimate? Give us a call or fill out our form online.