We’ve officially entered storm season, which means it’s time to reevaluate the ponding on your parking lot. At what point should you get your lot checked out by a paving expert: when you have puddle-size or pond-size standing water? Trick question—any sign of water sticking around after the rest of your pavement has dried means your lot should be checked for drainage issues. Or, if the original foundation is lacking, an insufficient sub base.

To assess your ponding situation, most paving experts have developed a specific process to evaluate pavement drainage systems. In our case, to really get into the nitty gritty details, we’ve developed a laser profiling technique. The laser precision of this process alleviates water accumulation by pinpointing any low spots where water might be trapped. Standing water might not seem like a big problem, but it’s one of the first issues paving experts address before starting their installation.

Overall, water drainage is critical to the health and longevity of any pavement and must be the first thing evaluated before starting construction. Metro Paving has 30 years of experience, but that doesn’t mean we lack innovation. Give us a call to ask how our exclusive laser profiling technique can solve your water drainage problems in no time.